Announcement: 2022 Spring Course Changes and Course Selection Instructions

Due to certain reasons, the course Special Topics on European Cultures will not be opened, and a new course Cultural Studies and Thourism by Pr. Chia-Ling Lai. Those who selected the course Special Topics on European Cultures please withdraw the lesson, and the new course Cultural Studies and Thourism will be available during the second selection phase (1/24-26).

Cultural Studies and Thourism Introduction

Prof. Chia-Ling Lai

Prof. Chia-Ling Lai will discuss tourism and tourism from the perspective of cultural studies. This semester will lead students to understand themes such as modernity, postmodernity, postcolonialism, identity formation, space and sense of place. Through solid theoretical training to establish a research foundation, and to achieve the complementarity of theory and experience through event visits.

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